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Contact Us


Use this form to find a stockist in your area, or for any other enquiry. Note as wholesalers, we don’t sell direct to public.

Existing Albi Customers

Request online shopping access below.

New Wholesale Enquiries Click here

ONLINE Enquiry

To submit your enquiry, please fill in the form below

[pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, zip]

If you are a consumer and a have picture of a product you are looking for in store, or you are an Albi wholesale customer and wish to show us a file that relates to your enquiry, please upload it here.
Select and upload multiple files together.
You can upload maximum 5 files.
You can upload a maximum of 20MB size files.

Please provide as much detail as possible to reduce the time taken to review and assess claim.